Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Class 3 Demonstrations

This week we will look further at the Mathematical Art of Escher that highlights
impossible objects. We will also look at Mathematical Art (some of it Escher's) that
is generated by recursion. Bring some paper to class to draw on.

Click on the following links. Then click on  Download Live Version and save.

1. Penrose Triangle
2. Light on Impossible Object.
3. Length Width and Height of Impossible Object
4. Recursive I
5. Recursive II
6. Recursive III
7. Recursive IV
8. Recursive V
9. Recursive VII
10. Recursive VIII
11. Hilbert Moore Space Filling
12. Recursive Tilings
13.Penrose Tiles

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Class 2 Tessellations

Download the following Mathematica Demonstrations for investigation this week.

Click on the link below and then click on Download Live Demonstation and save it to a folder on your disk marked Class 2.

1. Any Triangle Can Tile
2. Any Quadrilateral Can Tile
3. Pentagon Tilings
4. Escher 1
5.Complement Tiling
6. Ancient Aleppo Tiling
7. Ammann Tilings

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Class 1: Fractal Demonstrations

The following is a list of Mathematica Demonstrations we will investigate at our first class.
It would help if you were able to download these demonstrations now onto the laptop you plan to bring to class.

Don't worry if you don't have a laptop, at least half of the class will have one and we can share.

Make sure your laptop is charged before coming to class so we don't have to plug it it in. Most laptops can hold a charge for 1.5 hours which is all we will need at most.

Click on the following links and then click on Download Live Version (in orange). Store the Demonstration on your desktop or in a folder marked Class 1.

1. Fun with Koch Snowflakes

2. Sierpenski Sieve

3. Sierpenski Carpet

4. Fractal Tree

5. Pythagoras Tree

6. Fractal Right Triangle

7. Flower Fractals

8. Iterates for the Mandelbrot Set

9. Magnified Views of the Mandelbrot Set

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Presentation of Mathematical Art

Here is the link to the slide show I made about Mathematical Art for ILR.

I will be posting all of the class presentations is a similar format once we begin.

You should click on this link and see if you can view the slide show.